today the rain is falling in great drops, in great numbers! i'm up in the studio, getting ready to sew for the day. the woodstove is chugging along downstairs in the woodshop with a hot kindling fire to take the damp off. i love this day! the skies are dimmed, all the flowers in the garden benefit from the rain, and they look extra gorgeous with the grey back drop of the atmosphere - every color pops, and looks deep, and full of luxury. our black cat is fast asleep on the bed, and looks like she'll sleep forever.
when i was a kid, summer on vinalhaven, this would have been a puzzle day, or a yahtzee day, or something game-y like that. lots of tea, molasses doughnuts, keep the stove going, the house gets a hundred degrees, we all get a little stir crazy, then you have to put on the rain gear, walk downstreet to find that everyone is doing the same thing. milling around. getting out of the house from feeling cooped up. then back to it with the woodfire, and baked beans for supper.
max just brought me a bowl of buttered garlic scapes.
when the rain lessens, i'll run outside with the camera so you can see.
for now, here's a new banner image of the shelf above my desk.
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