Saturday, December 27

good holidays to all

We hope everyone is having a lovely holiday time. We had a quiet, and warm spirited Christmas with family, and friends. Frances was all aglow. Rollerskates! A bicycle! And lots of Tintin, and Asterix (thank you, maria, and ben)! It was also her birthday a few days before. We've been celebrating!

On the clothing side of things,in the catalog, there is the new broad shirt! And, adult version of the tradition dress shown in two fabrics.

Safe travels, and good cheer to all.


DUSKIN said...

happy holidays! the new dresses are perfection. especially that linen print.

DUSKIN said...

ok, and one last thing. i've been tagged, so i am tagging you.

Anonymous said...

well lisa....i hope you are ready to rock the new year?! ;) so far things sound like that have been fun at your house...;)


ps still curious about you thinking of!