Friday, July 26

Le Bouton Update!

I am so happy to announce that Le Bouton has hired an EXCELLENT stitcher to help with making clothes! For all of you who remember way back when, when we lived in LA, I had a stitcher, and a pattern maker (gloria! aida! i miss you!), and it was great! Well, the time came to find someone again, and a true GEM has appeared. Peggy is great! I am thrilled to have such skilled help, AND she is eager to stay busy! This is so cool, and freeing for me, as I can now focus on new design, moving forward!, blogging more, and all that good stuff that falls by the wayside when I do all the sewing myself.
SO! Three Cheers For Peggy!!!

PS JAPANESE PANTS AVAILABLE SOOOON! in cotton twill - white, black, khaki
      (let me know if you want a pair, so i can get a head's up)


L.P. said...

So exciting! Yay!

Lara said...

That is excellent news. And I'm gonna so want a pair!

Caroline said...

hi lisa, i'd like a pair for sure. x carol

modaspia said...

makes a HUGE difference. i spent a couple of years chained to my sewing machine with my etsy shop. got me out of debt but it's exhausting and limiting what you can do with your time when you're sewing every order yourself. very good news, congrats!

Miss Fanchon said...

I would love to get a pair of these pants. Now I've got to figure out what my US size would be.

Le Bouton said...

!!! peggy is the best!!!! she just made a pair of the japanese pants and they are PERFECT! hurray!

jennifer said...

sign me up for a small pair in black please!